Contact Us

Looking For A New Approach To Your Wellness?

If you'r prepared to take a new look at your life, are open to being coached and have reached a point where you actually want to do something about it.

Come and join our collective, where you'll experience what it;'s truly like to share your personal growth journey with other commited men, that are prepared to do mens work.

If you've run out of excuses hit the button below and get the ball rolling with a low commitment.

Personal training

Live online classes


Group Training

Personal Training

Live online classes


Group Training

Join me at Divers Cove 

Train in privacy with you being the sole focus or as part of the collective, maybe you'll wnat both?

Our structrured sessions are designed to reduce your stress, get you moving better and feellng great overall.

Connect over Wi-fi 

Join our digital offering which kicks off with a 3 day taster, once you've completed that you'll have the option to join us on a weekly basis

Individualised programming

The ultimate tailored experience to your heal, fitness and oveall wellness. 

Get assesed for whateveris troublingyou iwth our network of independent experts where needed 

This long term commitment will see you transform in ways you can't fathom at the moment.r

Incorporate Biohacking techniques and traditional eastern practices to get optimal results.

How I Work

I work with men who are ready to try a new approch to their health and wellness, away from the commercial gym environments. Join us in the Surrey countryside with private lake and sauna setup, along with training studio.

Sound Familiar?

Hear what some of my past clients have to say about working together, maybe it'll be just what you need to get started...


Roger Clarke

“Training with Alan fresh after knee injury, I had

lost belief after numerous injuries that I could bounce back again. With a good refreshing approach, uncomplicated exercises and positive attitude my belief I can get knee up and going again without the need of further

operation has been a game changer ”


Allen Price

“Having the support and motivation from Alan as part of my training really helped me to manage my mood, energy levels and stress.

I'd recommend giving this different style of training a try.”


Mark Hannyngton

“Working with you has given my training an extra dimension. By that Imean that I’m challenging myself with new exercises, using techniques

that I wouldn’t have bothered to investigate without your direction. In turn, this has led to an increase in all round fitness and strength. The

sessions are also enjoyable because I leave all the thinking to you, and can concentrate on giving greater effort without worrying about what the

next exercise is going to be, or if the equipment is being used.”

Supporting You Each Step Of Your Journey

Follow our frameworks to get results such as:

  • More restful sleep so you wake up refreshed 
  • Balanced energy and more of it so you go about your day with ease
  • Noticeable presence and improved confidence 
  • Feel and look fitter 
  • Move around with a less stiff and more mobile body. old injuries fade away